Science Fiction Television

Six visits Chuck…

Chuck will have a special guest star this season and in another life, she’s called Six.

Found a peek at an upcoming episode of Chuck. Here it is.

And there’s more…

Watch out for spoilers below.

As a fan of both Battlestar Galactica and Chuck, it’s especially exciting for me to mention this trailer. I’m looking forward to this episode of Chuck even more than I usually look forward to Chuck episodes, and I didn’t really think that was possible. Tricia Helfer will be guest starring as a special agent that has to pose as a stripper so she can distract Devin (Chuck’s brother-in-law-to-be Awesome) and steal his hospital key card. I think the episode plays around with Devin’s bachelor party. (From Entertainment Weekly #1035)

Can hardly wait!

Sci-fi fantasies