Fantasy Science Fiction Television

Sanctuary Woes

I just watched the Sanctuary season finale today, Into the Black. I admit I got behind on the series, but I didn’t feel a lot of motivation to watch quickly. The whole Hollow Earth story line makes me feel tired and bored. I’m losing interest and I’m left wondering where all the excitement went?

Latest episode: Sanctuary – Into the Black

I have found myself less interested in the series by the episode, which is too bad because I really liked Sanctuary in the first two seasons, even after the death of Magnus’s daughter Ashley (Emilie Ullerup).

But lately, instead of filling the show with compelling drama between the established characters, the little bit of character drama we see happens between our guys and outside people, such as Henry’s girlfriend or Will’s girlfriend. I have nothing against giving these people richer lives, but diluting an already struggling group dynamic hasn’t helped the show in any way that I can see.

Sanctuary is tired. I won’t call for the end of the show, because I know there’s probably someone out there that still enjoys watching, but seriously, if things don’t improve, I’m not going to be one of them…

Fantasy Science Fiction Television

Sanctuary Returns

Tonight, Sanctuary returned after a long mid-season break with a resolution to the mid-season cliffhanger ending in which it appeared Magnus, Will, Kate, and Henry had been executed. [Oops, I orignally said Tesla, but when I watched to episode I realized I was getting confused…]

Sanctuary TV Series on Syfy

(Easiest way to watch missed episodes is at Amazon – Click here.)

I haven’t actually watched yet though, because I’ll be getting to that tomorrow. Gotta love that DVR. Tonight I watched DVR’d episodes of Merlin from the latest season that I hadn’t had a chance to catch up on yet.

Should I be in a hurry to catch up with the Sanctuary team? I hope so! As I’ve said before, the hollow Earth story hasn’t been that thrilling for me. I’m hoping the season gets a lot better in the back half.

Not to say I didn’t enjoy specific episodes or the show in general this season (season 3), just that I’m not sure the hollow Earth story is something that I find appealing. I’d rather it went away in favor of something better…

Support the shows you love. You can buy Sanctuary episodes cheap at Amazon. They cost around $2 each. You can watch 4 episodes for the price of a paperback these days. And you don’t have to sit through any commercials.

Fantasy Television

Sanctuary to Return in April

On April 15, we’ll finally get an ending to the cliffhanger we were given at the end of the first half of the 3rd season.

Sanctuary TV Series on Syfy

(FYI: Easiest way to watch missed episodes is at Amazon.) Who knows what kind of ending that will turn out to be, but at least we’ll find out if anyone died. My bet is on “No.” I don’t have any inside information about that, though, so maybe I’m wrong.

What would I think of Sanctuary if another character died? What do I already think of it?

I’m not sure I would continue to watch, even though I do enjoy the show overall. The fact is, I haven’t felt quite the same about the series since Ashley was killed off, and Druitt went missing for all those episodes, nearly the entirety of the first half of season 3. I did love having Tesla in so many episodes but I have to say in all honesty, I haven’t found the whole “hollow earth” story line to be inspiring or exciting. Kind of dull, in fact. Which is really too bad, because there are some great characters in this show and the actors are wonderful. I guess this is entirely a problem with the writing, since the writers are in charge of plot.

Early in season three of Sanctuary, there was a great set up for a future story that had to do with the death of Big Guy’s priest friend, and then the story was brought to an abrupt and unfulfilling end. Why? Am I the only one who found that disconcerting? I have to think something happened to interfere with Sanctuary’s writers’ ability to pursue that story line to a better conclusion… but I might be stretching it to think there’s something behind it other than bad writing.

I still like the series though and imagine I’ll stick with it as long as Henry, Will, Kate, Helen, Big Guy, Druitt, and Tesla make it out of the season alive. After Ashley, though, I find I have a very low tolerance for character death on this show.

So be warned writers. I’m instigating a zero tolerance policy for crap writing this season. Too many good shows, too little time.

Anyone with me? (Or not?)

Science Fiction Television

Tesla returns on tonight’s Sanctuary!

Okay, he’s one of my favorite recurring characters. Who am I talking about? Nikola Tesla, that’s who.

Nikola Tesla is just villainous enough to seriously intrigue me, and yet he still has enough redeeming qualities to keep me rooting for him. These types of characters always, always, keep me interested. (For example, I still adore Todd the Wraith, even though he’s one of the big baddies from the sorely missed Stargate Atlantis.)

In fact, now that I think about it, the actor portraying Nikola Tesla had a small role in a few episodes of Stargate Atlantis. Although somewhat forgettable in that show, he’s really proven himself with the role of Tesla. I should probably do a little research and find out what his name is… :-) If you know, why don’t you leave a comment for me so I don’t have to go looking? I’d sure appreciate it!

I’m just about to start watching tonight’s episode, but I thought I’d make this quick post first, but now it seems as if I’ve run out of time. See ya!

Science Fiction Television

Veritas Tricky Sanctuary

Click here to watch Sanctuary episodes online.

My attempt at a joke might have backfired on me, but if you got it, thank you veritas much for getting it! ;)

When I started watching this episode tonight (I am always behind it seems—only one more reason to be forever grateful to the inventor of the DVR), I had high hopes something was up. Big Guy dead? So soon after Ashley’s apparent demise? My first reaction was that someone was interested in shaking things up on Sanctuary a little too much for my liking, but then of course, the episode started moving quite quickly and I couldn’t relax enough to worry about what the hell the writers of Sanctuary were thinking by killing off Big Guy.

Good thing the writer’s know better than I how to craft a crafty story. I enjoyed the mystery of this one, and for a while, I admit to being confused and most definitely off the trail. I figured things out just a hair before Will, and I enjoyed every tricky moment of it.

Click here to watch Sanctuary episodes online.

Sci-fi fantasies